What to Expect

On Sunday we gather to worship the Triune God because he is worthy, because we need him, to receive grace from his Word, and to be encouraged by his people. This is done by worshipping Him through reading the Word, preaching the Word, singing Scripture-saturated songs, praying the Word, seeing the Word (baptism and the Lord’s Supper), and building up one another in the Word.

First Time Here?
If you are planning to visit us for the first time as part of our Sunday gathered worship, here are a few things you might find helpful:

  • We love that you would consider worshipping with us, and we hope you will stop by the welcome center right inside the main entrance and pick up a gift that we have for you.
  • We love to serve families who come to worship, and we have families who have their children with them during the service and families who bring their children to nursery or children’s church. If you plan on sending your child to our kid’s program, please check them in at the Kid’s Kiosk in the lobby by the coffee stand before taking them to their class. The nursery is for children 0-3 years of age, and children’s church is for 3 years – 3rd grade (and dismisses during the service).
  • We love to gather together every Sunday and this is seen most in our awkwardly long greeting time in the middle of our service. Feel free to stay right there by your seats and meet those who come by you (and they will) or get up and roam and get a cup of coffee in the lobby. We do this so that everyone who comes feels connected with and cared for.

If you’ve attended a service or two, and would like to know how to get more involved, here’s a couple great ways: